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Writer's picture: hippiecityhealinghippiecityhealing

The theme of the year here at is to SHINE BRIGHTLY! To begin that journey I thought I would share my story.

You can't Shine Brightly toward the future, without reflecting on how it all began.

My journey into healing started in 2006 although I had no idea that it would take over a decade to materialize. In 2006 I became involved with my former partner, and that lead me into a very dark period in my life. With two children and another on the way, I moved out of state, away from friends and family into what I thought was going to be a new start, in a new city. From day one I knew I had made a mistake. I was kept in that house for a year and a half. I went through, abuse, early delivery of my son, more abuse, and 6 months of planning before I finally was able to leave. In leaving, I lost everything except what was really important, my children. We ended up in a domestic violence shelter for 6 months before being able to leave. Even after coming home, we had to change phone numbers, keep locks on doors and make the police aware of our situation. I definitely didn't feel like I had any light left. Due to the stress I became ill and was diagnosed with Graves Disease. When I realized that all the treatments were doing was keeping me alive, not living, I decided to look into natural forms of healing. I changed my diet. I stopped all of the medications by researching natural alternatives for my symptoms. My thyroid levels went back to normal within the year. When the doctors could do nothing, I healed myself. My shine had started to come back.

During this time my children were diagnosed with autism. For the next decade I studied, took classes and worked with specialists to learn all I could to help them. I ended up helping many other families along the way, and I found that I really loved seeing the growth that helping others created in me. I found Mark Bajerski and The Pure Energy Healing Academy in 2019, and I decided to continue my healing journey by taking one of his courses. After becoming a Pure Energy Healer, another path opened up. I was able to do a different form of healing for my children and others. My purpose was expanding and my light shining a bit brighter with every encounter.

2020 made me realize how much the world was changing and that living in the city was no longer beneficial for myself or my family. While meditating, I saw myself walking a path in a forest surrounded by trees. I realized then that I was being called to move to nature. I told everyone, "I think I will move to the forest soon." In 2022 I did just that. I had never been to Mount Shasta, CA. I didn't know anything about it. When I told my realtor that I wanted to be surrounded by nature and explained what I did for a living, she said that Mount Shasta was where I needed to be. She was exactly right. The universe called me here. They say the mountain calls to those who are supposed to be here. I believe that with my whole heart. I have healed within these woods for the past 8 months. My children thrive here. The energy here has healed me and taken my energy healings to levels I would not have imagined even a year ago.

When it was the hardest of times, I doubted I would ever be whole again, let alone healed and helping others do so as well. I share my story as another form of healing. I share my story because even in the darkest days of this life, my spark was there. It was diminished at times but never gone. I didn't know that my journey would bring me to a magical mountain. There is so much more to my story, but the core message is this. No matter what this life's path has looked like for you, YOU are light. That light cannot be snuffed out ever. Our role here is to shine. To Shine Brightly, for all to see in whatever way you want to. This is your story of growth and healing. Share it and shine so that others can see that they can too.

All my love and all of the hugs,


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