Utilizing your imagination allows you to truly SHINE so let's talk about it!
In this upside down, inside out world, we as adults, sometimes allow the day to day activities of our lives to overwhelm us. We get stuck in routines that just "are what they are" and we move through the paces not even thinking about looking around us. What happened to the days when we were children, looking up at the clouds and imagining dragons and teddy bears having a tea party with an alien in a top hat? Imagination isn't just for children. It helps with productivity, with manifestation. How do you shoot for the stars if you never imagine what they look like? How do you manifest your dreams if you can't imagine yourself there?
I say this because using my imagination helped me bring back my shine! Imagining a new future worked for me and continues to do so! For years, I lost my connection to my imagination, and with that, my life became an endless loop of get up, do what needs to be done, come home, have a drink or hang with friends/family and sleep. Rinse and repeat. I wasn't imagining a different life, so I was stuck in the same monotonous cycle. I wasn't growing, I was just existing. I was often depressed, (while keeping a smile on my face for everyone else) and could not imagine anything changing. Everything changed when I became a healer. I wasn't even doing it for other people. I just wanted to find a way to heal and I was called to try adding energetic healing to what I was already doing externally. Once I started coming out of the darkness of my mind, the place where my imagination had been stifled, a pinprick of light came to me. I started imagining getting out of the place I lived, imagining being free of the routine I was in, imagining joy returning to me. I imagined living in the woods and I am here. I imagined starting my business and I did. I imagined helping others find healing like I did, and now I do!
Today I want to invite you to step out of the routine, even if that's just for a moment. Put your phone in your pocket or purse while you walk from the parking lot into your place of work. Look around while you walk. What does that tree look like to you? Does it look like there could be fairies living in those branches? Do you see a castle in those clouds? If that seems too far fetched, maybe you want to imagine what it would be like to walk into a business YOU own? What would that look like? How would you dress? How would that feel? Actually imagining yourself and how you would feel in that situation sets up the energy for you to move in a direction of knowing what will make you happier. What you could have!
Even if you are in a dark place, taking a moment to imagine what could be, who YOU could be, opens the spirit up for knowing what you don't want, and helps you in moving toward that new place of healing and growth.
Always Sending Hugs,
