Let's put the H in Shine with helping.
Stepping into February, I feel this overwhelming sense of gratitude for the help I have received throughout my life. It is never ending and seems to always show up right when I need it most.
I was stuck in a snowstorm when a man came out of nowhere to push my little car out of a ditch and help me get back on the road. He just helped and drove off, disappearing back into the blizzard.
A woman helped when I was in a hospital gift shop while looking for a stuffed animal for my son's NICU crib. She listened to me and my worries that my son had been born two months early. She ended up being the wife of the specialist that was part of the team caring for my son. With a soft smile and a gentle hug, she assured me that he would be okay. Without hesitation, she walked up to me, listened and comforted me, and helped.
My mom has helped with her encouragement and love. My kids, help me laugh when I let life get a little too serious.
Helping others by giving from my heart, and helping myself, by accepting the help that has been offered, has led me to the life that I am now living. It's cyclical and beautiful.
With everyone so separated these days, by screens, by the rush of a life that we often feel like we have to participate in, sharing a smile with those you pass on the street works wonders. It is amazing what a simple compliment will do. Maybe a phone call to a friend just to say hi and listen. My focus is not to try to solve the world's problems but to be a helpful participant within it. I find that the smallest of gestures really do make big changes. Sharing a bit of a smile to heal a aching heart, might help that person lay down their weariness and give them the opportunity to share an extra hug with their child. That child might go to school the next day and comfort a friend. Helping is healing and it flows.
My mother often says, "When you see someone frowning, and you see that they need a smile, give them yours."
So this February, how do you help others? How do you help yourself? How does your healing and helping and compassion for those flow out into the world and change it for the better?
I send each of you a hug, tons of love, and of course, a smile.
